Sunday, August 31, 2008

Personal information

Group leader: Ian Ho
Team consists of : Mark Soh and Gabriel Palazzi
E-mails:(Mark Soh) Palazzi) Ho)
School:Tao Nan School
Teacher- in- charge:Mdm Serene Koh


Thanks youtube and wikipedia for helping us and giving information to us for this blog. Thank you for your help! Most of all we would like to thank our teachers for making this possible to achieve.

Another quiz on what we people can do to help save the enviroment

  1. What does recycling refer to in the passage?
  2. What does reducing refer to in the passage?
  3. What does reusing refer to in the passage?
  4. What can we do in school to make us go greener?
  5. How many champions will their be if their are 6 levels?

Another quiz to see how much you know about the threats the coral reefs are facing

  1. Name 5 threats the coral reefs are facing.
  2. What is worldwide destruction?
  3. How is dynamite fishing done?
  4. What is the outcome of pollution?
  5. Who is the current and biggest threat to the coral reefs?

A quiz to see how much you have learned through out this entire blog (On the reefs only)

  1. How many types of reefs are their?
  2. Name two types of reefs.
  3. Name a three famous reefs.
  4. What is the Great Barrier Reef famous for?
  5. Which is the third largest Coral Reef?

This is another video for you to watch!

This video here was filmed in The Seychelle. This depics people conserving marine life and having a experdition there.

A video for you to watch on marine conservation by Panasonic

This video shows how Panasonic shows that Our Ocean is Our Responsibility.